Sunday, June 7, 2020

Essay Topics About Tolkien

Essay Topics About TolkienFor students in high school or college, a Tolkien essay topic is a great way to learn about one of the most influential authors of our time. There are so many questions that you can use to get them going when they read your essay. Use your knowledge of Tolkien's writing style to help them learn how to ask questions.Litterature. You may be familiar with the literary world by now. But if you aren't, start by asking your student to compare The Lord of the Rings to other literary works. Try to use literary elements such as rhymes, dialogue, and language that would be found in traditional literature.Media. Tolkien was known for creating new media for his stories. Take a look at such things as movie scripts and game guides to see how they relate to the Lord of the Rings. This will allow your student to ask questions about the various forms of media that were used to tell the story. They'll also learn about how to use resources that they would find in a typical cla ssroom setting.Religion. There is a lot to learn about the Lord of the Rings universe. Tolkien has always been interested in religion, and there are plenty of references to angels, elves, and the like throughout the book. Encourage your student to write about their own religious faith to get them thinking about what these characters are really like.Fantasy. Tolkien's novels have a very distinct flavor. Students can use this to compare and contrast the worlds and settings in the Lord of the Rings to those found in their own worlds. Help them see how their own perceptions of the world and fiction could differ from his own. Not only can you get them thinking about this, but you can find out what their perceptions of fantasy and fiction are.Film. Just because the Lord of the Rings is a popular fictional story doesn't mean that it's the only thing of this type out there. Teach your student about different kinds of films and how they are similar to the Lord of the Rings. Have them compare the film adaptations and also the TV show adaptation to get their perspective on it.Search. Tolkien's work is about an epic quest. Whether it's through a search for the Ring or some other quest, there are always questions about what the quest will be like. If you're teaching your student about such things, be sure to encourage them to think outside the box and ask questions about what people find appealing about the fantasy world. If they're asked about it, they may find their own questions about such matters.As you can see, there are a lot of ways that you can use essay topics about Tolkien's world. He's the most important author of our time, and you can help him and others through your own writings. Try some of these strategies, and see what kind of student you'll end up teaching.

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